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Exploring Land, Place, and Home: Five Writing Prompts
As a Saskatchewan writer, what is our relationship to the land, to place — where is home? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately, for a host of reasons. The first reason being winter, of course. Many writers find solitude in the written word during the...

Day 111: The Unnamed Woman
Day 111 - A Snippet Once a year, the small cafe with steel countertops serves a menagerie of pie; Jack Daniels and sticky walnut, lemon with meringue that beads to the roof of your mouth, pumpkin with an ever-so-crunchy lard crust; all in celebration of a day just for...

A Little Snippet of Things to Come – 273 Days
Here's a nice little snippet of things to come: 273 Days. Here's to 2025. - Miguel F. | Day 222 out of 273 Days | Her home just off the main drag in Prince George serves as a museum for me. The walls — faint egg yolk, dying sunlight, tarnished daisy yellow — are...

Latest Posts
Exploring Land, Place, and Home: Five Writing Prompts
As a Saskatchewan writer, what is our relationship to the land, to place — where is home? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately, for a host of reasons. The first reason being winter, of course. Many writers find solitude in the written word during the...
Day 111: The Unnamed Woman
Day 111 - A Snippet Once a year, the small cafe with steel countertops serves a menagerie of pie; Jack Daniels and sticky walnut, lemon with meringue that beads to the roof of your mouth, pumpkin with an ever-so-crunchy lard crust; all in celebration of a day just for...
A Little Snippet of Things to Come – 273 Days
Here's a nice little snippet of things to come: 273 Days. Here's to 2025. - Miguel F. | Day 222 out of 273 Days | Her home just off the main drag in Prince George serves as a museum for me. The walls — faint egg yolk, dying sunlight, tarnished daisy yellow — are...
Miguel Fenrich: Challening Literary Boundaries | SK Arts
I've always believed that the arts are a powerful force — a way to bridge humanity's shared experiences, understand diverse perspectives, and further develop our understand of how the rest of the world works. My journey as a storyteller and (former) publisher of...
Dreaming of Summer: a short story
The frostbitten heifer with a pink peeling nose is hauled up the steps of the silver-haired farmer's steps, clunk, clunk, clunk. The two bedroom farm house is a mirage of gold in the screaming whorl of snow eviscerating the formerly flat and stubbled fields...
The Opposite of Drought: a poem
Penultimate in her revelation, life oozes from the apex of the woman lying in the truck bed beneath stars. Red-hot, startled, she explores the bulging buds, heavy with sap, virginal and exposed, a mirror of mother Gaia. She runs her fingers along the...

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